Parent Info
Football Team - Parent Info
Head coach: Jason Sedlak,
Guidelines for Parents of STA Team Members
Electronic Communications
Saint Thomas Academy has an e-mail program that will allow a coach or parent to send an e-mail to parents of team members. The team captain’s parent who will handle the communications should contact Mary Machgan Culbertson at mculbertson@cadets.comafter the team roster has been finalized. A mailing group will be set up and the parent will receive a username, password and directions to use the program. Please do not let students have access to the program.
Team Budget
Saint Thomas Academy provides funds to our athletic/activity teams for most of the essential items (coach/moderator salaries, uniforms, equipment, etc.). Many teams and clubs like to have other events and items (such as dinners and team shirts) that have traditionally been arranged by you, the captains’ parents. Before each season you determine the fee you charge to each team member. This fee should be supported by a budget that has been reviewed with the team coach/moderator and the Director of Athletics and Activities (AD). The purpose of the review is to have open communication between parents, coaches/moderators and the school, and to determine that the amount parents are asked to contribute is necessary, reasonable and affordable.
Financial Process
Each team/club has an account assigned to it by the business office. A captain’s parent, acting as the team treasurer, has the following responsibilities and should follow these guidelines:
- After reviewing the budget with the AD, send a copy of the team budget to the Business Manager (Robley Evans).
- Collect fees. All checks must be made out to STA and then deposited with the business office (Julie Schwietz).
- Please make sure to get the STA tax-exempt certificate to avoid paying tax on some items. All requests for reimbursement to parents and payment to vendors must be handled with the business office (Julie Schwietz).
- Please direct any questions to the business office – Robley Evans at 651-683-1510, or Julie Schwietz at 651-683-1530 or
Team Apparel
Saint Thomas Academy administrators recognize that team-specific apparel is a means to build camaraderie and team identity but the following steps need to be followed:
- Before printing, all material (brochures, fact sheets, end-of-year highlights, etc.) must be submitted to the STA communications office for approval as the school name, logo, and crest are the property of STA.
- All team apparel must meet the established school guidelines for name, logo, and crest usage. Mary Waldvogel in the Cadet Maker Bookstore (651-683-1535 is an excellent resource to order apparel. Please keep in mind that the key to team apparel is AFFORDABILITY for all members.
Team Banquet
Saint Thomas Academy administrators have established a maximum of $25 per person for each team’s banquet. There are a number of facilities where you can spend less (we recommend between $15 and $18 per person):
- On-site – Taher, Inc. will assist you with your banquet at school (651-683-1543)
- Off-site – in previous years, teams have used Southview Country Club, Mendakota Country Club, Brianno’s/Royal Cliff in Eagan and White Bear Lake Country Inn for a quality, low-cost banquet.
School contacts if you have questions
Acting Director of Athletics and Activities –
Julie Marks ( or 651-683-1512)
Communications and Name/Logo Use –
Mary Machgan Culbertson ( or 651-683-1532)
Budget and Finances –
Business Manager, Robley Evans ( or 651-683-1510)
Thank you for your cooperation!